Stencil set includes choice poster 50 different pictures and case.
Are you going to put glittertattoos somewhere but still need a nice assortment of tattoos and choice poster? Then this is a very nice set with an assortment for everyone. This poster has 33 different pictures of tattoos which the kids can choose from.
You have choice to purchase the set with 5 stencils per picture, 10 stencils per picture, 15 stencils per picture and 20 stencils per picture.
We supply these plasticized A3 +A4 posters for free with these sets of tattoo stencils.
We deliver the stock tattoos each in a ZIPLOCK bag with the number and name of the plate that is also on the choice poster. So you can always quickly find the chosen number and go get the tattoo.
We deliver the bags in 2 plastic containers and those in a nice case. So you always have your tattoo stencils together and in the case you can also keep your glitter and the rest of your supplies.
Note: these sets do not include the rest of the supplies. You can add the glitter sixpacks , bodyglue, brushes and tweezers which you want.